Gina Lollobrigida
GIna Lollobrigida (Wikipedia) Gina Lollobrigida was born in 1927 and is an Italian actress, photojournalist and sculptor. She was one of the highest profile European actr
Tony Doyle
Tony Doyle obituary in “The Guardian” in 2000. Tony Doyle was born in 1942 in Roscommon in Ireland. He began acting on television in 1963 and a few years later he p
Michael Gambon
Michael Gambon. TCM Overview. Michael Gambon was born in Cabra, Dublin in 1940. His family moved to live in London when he was five. At the age of eighteen
Allan Cuthbertson
Alan Cuthbertson was a great character actor in British films. He was especially good as sneering public officials or smarmy businessmen or bossy military types.&
His website. Fabian was one of the Philadelphia singers who burst onto the scene in the late 50’s and went to Hollywood to make movies. Frankie Avalo
Gary Lockwood
Gary Lockwood was born in Van Nuys, California in 1937. He made is film acting debut in a bit part in the Western “Warlock” in 1959 with Richard Widmark and Doro
Gabrielle Drake
Gabrielle Drake is a very talented and attractive actress who starred in some of the more popular televsion series in Britain in the 70’s ioncluding “The Brothers”